Lesbian slang

'I have never heard that word before, but it makes sense!' Old Lesbians Try New Lesbian Slang.
Do you consider yourself a lesbian? Yes, I sign my name as lesbian, Phyllis says. INTO presents the ladies a few modern words. Can Belita, Phyllis and Sabel figure out what they mean?
'It is funny how that stayed around, because slang changes all the time.'
Hasbian, Futch, Hunderd Footer, Gold Star, Uhauling, Scissoring, L.B.D., Baby Dyke, L.U.G., Pillow Princess, Girl Crush, Double Homo, O.W.L… Watch and learn.
About INTO: 'What are you INTO? Everyone has an answer. Our preferences are the way we define who we are to the world. A calling card for anyone who wants to know what we’re about. They’re the people, places and epically cool stuff we discover, connect with, love, and share with the world (over and over again). We’re into more of those connections. We’re into more culture. We’re into recognizing our past, seizing the present, and driving our future. We’re into music to blast and looks to gag over. Into creators that play, activists that slay, and queens that throw shade. We’re into conversations and listening. We’re into stories about how we’ve evolved and paving new paths. And we’re doing this now because everything you’re into is worth more than ever before. So what are you INTO? Get all of it.'
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